Here we are: my final blog for 2024. In this third and final blog, I want to reflect back on the incredible, unexpected year 2024 turned into. This write-up is more focused on my photographic achievements, adventures, and more rather than focusing on my favourite images.
To celebrate the one year anniversary of the third volcanic eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system at Litli-Hrútur, I decided to create a timeline showing all the events which happened during this eruption.
A few weeks ago, I was invited on the hAIghtensed Sense podcast to chat with Brendan Le Grange and Christo van Zyl. We chatted about flying above volcanoes, drone photography, my favourite moments and more.
Coming Saturday May 25th 2024 at 20:10, a new episode of 'Vranckx en de Nomaden' will be broadcast on VRT Canvas, Belgian national TV. The episode 'Beneath the Surface', produced by Leon Haberkorn, is about the ongoing series of volcanic eruptions that have been occurring near Grindavík, a village of 4000 people.
Three years ago, during the 2021 eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system in Iceland, I set out on a mission to try and capture the northern lights above an erupting volcano. I recently attempted to witness this unique & rare combination of natural phenomenons again, which I have dubbed the ‘Holy Grail of Iceland Photography’.
Looking back at 3 years of photographing eruptions, I want to share with you the most important lessons or truths I’ve learned documenting this natural wonder.
I didn't expect it, but 2023 turned into a whopper of a year for my photography and myself with many high notes. In this final blog of the year, I've listed 5 of the most important moments and achievements to me.
For this final story of 2023, I am doing a bit of a different take on the concept. I won't specifically talk about one photograph but rather an entire project. I will share the story behind my book, New Earth - A Photographic Journey Of The Geldingadalir Eruption, which I self-published two years ago this week.
This year I am not releasing one, not two but three calendars: a regular, a puffins-themed and a volcano-themed calendar. Each one is a perfect holiday gift!
In this month's "Behind the Shot" story, I take you back to the Geldingadalir eruption in 2021 when I captured one of my favourite shots of that eruption and maybe all-time. I named the photograph Hraunhjarta, which means "lava heart" in Icelandic.
In this month's 'Behind the Shot' story I decided to share a story about the first day of the Meradalir eruption in Iceland, which took place one year ago.
To celebrate the one year anniversary of the eruption in Meradalir, the second eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano, I decided to create a timeline showing all the events which happened during this eruption just as I did for the Geldingadalir eruption.
In this month's 'Behind the Shot' blog I want to tell the story behind one of my favourite images, called 'Skýjasnúningur'. I want to share that story because I feel it goes to show that even though you might be lucky with certain conditions and situations, you still need to act on it to make it happen.
Yesterday I attended the 2023 Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) Awards in Prague. I am proud to announce that I had the pleasure to receive the Silver Award (second place) in the Nature category for three of my photographs of the Fagradalsfjall eruptions in Iceland during 2021 & 2022.
As an independent photographer, Jeroen partially relies on your support to keep producing worthwhile content. Supporting his work is possible by buying his e-books & books, prints or calendars. Additionally, you can sign up to the newsletter & workshop waitlist.