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Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2023How ToPhotographyTips

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Throughout my maritime photography-focused travels, I have learned a fair few things on how to get the best & sharpest images and maintain a high ‘keeper rate’, even though you are on a moving boat or ship. In this article, I share seven of the most important pieces of advice in getting the most out of your next excursion on…
Behind the Shot – How Spontaneity Earned Me an Award-Winning Photo Behind the Shot - How Spontaneity Earned Me an Award-Winning PhotoBehind the ShotVolcano

Behind the Shot – How Spontaneity Earned Me an Award-Winning Photo

In this month's 'Behind the Shot' blog I want to tell the story behind one of my favourite images, called 'Skýjasnúningur'. I want to share that story because I feel it goes to show that even though you might be lucky with certain conditions and situations, you still need to act on it to make it happen.
reFocus One Shot Awards – Silver & Honourable Mention A puffin with a beak full of sand eel at the island of Grímsey in North Iceland.AwardsPhotography

reFocus One Shot Awards – Silver & Honourable Mention

So far 2022 has been an incredible year for my photography work. This year I managed to reach several milestones. I started my own YouTube channel, ran many successful photography workshops, got published in several magazines, won 1st place in the Abstracts category of World Landscape Photographer 2022 and more. And now I can add another accomplishment... I'm happy to share that…
Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove
September 16, 2022