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A few weeks ago, I was invited on the hAIghtensed Sense podcast to chat with Brendan Le Grange and Christo van Zyl. We chatted about flying above volcanoes, drone photography, my favourite moments and more.

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If you’re interested in listening to the podcast, you can do so below. The segment starts at 4:00.

Description Of This Podcast Episode

We’ve chatted about drones before, and the ways they can give us a point of view we couldn’t easily achieve on our own. Today we’re looking at them giving us a point of view we couldn’t safely achieve on our own as award-winning nature photographer, talks to us about learning to fly over volcanoes. Look, volcanoes are just awesome to talk about, so there’s that, but there’s also so much to learn about pioneering new techniques in the most challenging of environments.

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Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove

Jeroen is an award-winning Belgian photographer based in Iceland. The past years, he dedicated his photography to the Central Highlands & volcanic eruptions. Most recently, he received international attention for his work at the Fagradalsfjall volcano.

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