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Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove Photography

Jeroen is an award-winning Belgian Icelandic photographer based in Iceland. The past years, he dedicated his photography to the Central Highlands & volcanic eruptions. Most recently, he received international attention for his work at the Fagradalsfjall & Svartsengi volcanoes and other volcanic eruptions in Iceland. He organises various photo workshops, together with other established landscape & wildlife photographers, bringing you great workshop experiences.

Photography Workshops & Tours

Find out about photography workshops and private (multi-)day tours in Iceland & Greenland.
Find out about photography workshops and private (multi-)day tours in Iceland & Greenland.

New Earth – Volcano Book

A personal, photography- and experience-focused book covering the eruption in Geldingadalir.
New Earth - A Book About the Eruption in Geldingadalir, Iceland

Learn Drone Photography

The most complete guide for both aspiring & experienced drone photographers.
A complete guide for both aspiring & experienced nature drone photographers.

2025 Photo Calendar

A unique calendar with beautiful imagery from Iceland, Antarctica, Patagonia & Greenland.
A unique calendar with beautiful imagery from Iceland, Antarctica, Patagonia & Greenland.

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Photo Workshops
in Iceland & Greenland

Always wanted to experience Iceland or Greenland through photography?

These unique photo workshops, or maybe even a private tour, might be something for you.  Jeroen works together with a variety of established landscape and wildlife photographers to bring you the best possible photo workshop experience.

Discover The Blog

Discover a collection of helpful articles, photography projects or travel stories about Jeroen’s ventures in the photography world on his blog. You can read up on things such as how you can photograph the northern lights, short reports on his photographic adventures, longer travel reports, tips & tricks and more.

Learn Drone Photography

Learn drone photography using the most comprehensive & complete guide!

In 125 detailed pages Jeroen explores everything you need to know to start creating the best photographs using any type of drone. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced drone pilot, this e-book contains a vast amount of information to level up your drone photography skills.

Books & E-Books

Jeroen has written and designed a book about the 2021 volcanic eruption at Fagradalsfjall, called New Earth, as well as several educational e-books about photography.

Watch Jeroen’s Videos

To further share his adventures, knowledge and photography with you all, Jeroen created a landscape photography focused YouTube channel. Subscribe to his channel and get a regular flow of interesting videos in your feed.