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Discover a collection of helpful articles, photography projects or travel stories about Jeroen’s ventures in the world of photography.

Recent Articles

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2023
Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship How ToPhotographyTips

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Throughout my maritime photography-focused travels, I have learned a fair few things on how to get the best & sharpest images and maintain a high ‘keeper rate’, even though you are on a moving boat or ship. In this article, I share seven of the most important pieces of advice in getting the most out of your next excursion on…
Behind the Shot - How Spontaneity Earned Me an Award-Winning Photo
Why Social Media Content Aggregators Are Detrimental To Creators OpinionPhotography

Why Social Media Content Aggregators Are Detrimental To Creators

With the recent changes to the Instagram algorithm, I decided to finally delve into this hot topic. It has surprised me how few people are actually aware of how (some) content aggregators have turned, what used to be, a great practice into something inherently negative. Long gone are the days where ‘reposts’ benefit creators.