At the end of June this year, I had the privilege to host one of the most amazing photo workshops I've been on thus far. For starters, I finally get to work with my friend Nigel Danson, which I had been looking forward to for a while now. But also, it was also a trip that was originally supposed to…
Earlier this year, in March, I travelled to Greenland to host a photography workshop together with Andy Mumford. In this blog, I want to share five of my favourite images taken during this workshop.
As a photographer living in Iceland, I get confronted with harsh and cold weather conditions extremely often. Over the years I found that investing in great and durable outdoor gear is an absolute necessity if you're serious about any kind of nature photography. The one thing I've regularly struggled with is finding the right gloves.
Today, I am proud to say that my brand-new fine art print experience is finally available! I have always felt that selling my work as prints was an afterthought on my website. Therefore, I decided to turn the dial up to eleven and offer a new experience which is authentic & unique.
Another year has (almost) passed. That means it's the perfect time to publish a list of my most noteworthy photographic moments of the year. It's the perfect way for me to reflect on the special moments and achievements in my photography career and look back with pride.
It finally happened: I travelled to Greenland! A few weeks ago I made an impulsive, last-minute, but very rewarding visit to Ilulissat. My main goal? Photographing the majestic castles of ice floating in the UNESCO Ilulissat icefjord.
As an independent photographer, Jeroen partially relies on your support to keep producing worthwhile content. Supporting his work is possible by buying his e-books & books, prints or calendars. Additionally, you can sign up to the newsletter & workshop waitlist.