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A Morning of Seal Photography in Iceland
Recently, I spent a morning photographing seals at one of my favourite locations. It was an interesting morning for wildlife due to the weather conditions. In this blog I share how things went and also how I edited my photographs from this trip.
Jeroen Van NieuwenhoveMarch 22, 2022
Memorable Encounter With a Seal Pup
Two weeks ago, I went on my first photography excursion, other than the eruption, since early March. I travelled to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and had an awesome weekend filled with wildlife encounters. One of those encounters really resonated with me.
Jeroen Van NieuwenhoveJune 15, 2021
My Top 5 Photography Locations in Iceland
Over the years I’ve been getting plenty of questions about Iceland and what people should visit. I started answering some of those questions in a series of journal entries. In this journal entry, I answer another one of those questions: “What are my top 5 must-photograph locations in Iceland?”.
Jeroen Van NieuwenhoveMarch 15, 2020