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In the last few years, I have travelled to several remote destinations where photography from a boat or a ship is a large part of the trip. In some of these areas, such as Svalbard, Antarctica & Greenland, travelling on the ocean is often the only way to get around, and definitely the only way to get the best shots. Throughout these maritime travels, I have learned a fair few things on how to get the best & sharpest images and maintain a high ‘keeper rate’, even though you are on a moving boat or ship. In this article, I share seven of the most important pieces of advice in getting the most out of your next excursion on the ocean.

Workshop Report: West Greenland in 5 Images

During many of my photo workshops in the last few years, the focus has been on photographing from a boat or ship. Whether it’s Antarctica, Greenland or Svalbard, the principals of photographing from a moving vessel are the same.

1. Always Maintain A High Shutter Speed (Even At The Expense Of ISO)

When you’re photographing from a boat, there are a lot of moving parts to take into account: the boat itself, the ocean you are on, the movement of the lens and, in some cases, even the subject will be moving. To compensate for that movement, you should always photograph with a high shutter speed, which may be unusual for landscape photographers who are used to photographing with a tripod.

While it’s difficult to talk about settings without knowing the exact situation, I tend to always shoot with a minimum shutter speed of 1/1000 (faster is even better) combined with the largest aperture your lens is capable of. My ISO is set to automatic with a maximum ISO of 12800. Again, for traditional landscape photographers this may seem very high but with modern noise reduction technology (such as Adobe Lightroom now has), this isn’t really an issue as long as your photo is well-exposed.

Believe it or not, this image was taken at ISO12800. Thanks to modern noise reduction technologies, this isn’t an issue at al.

Because we were moving slowly on a flat ocean, and it was bright, I was able to capture this grand scenery from a long distance at 500mm without using a dramatically slower shutter speed.

2. Always Photograph In Burst Mode

Another unusual way of photographing for most landscape photographers is that, while being on a boat, I always shoot in burst mode. By ‘burst mode’, I mean photographing continuously at the highest possible frame rate your camera supports by keeping the shutter button pressed. The primary reason for using this method is that you give yourself some wiggle room in case of unintentional movement due to the waves, or even shocks of the boat crashing into waves, causes you problems. Such movement can mean that your photographs, for example, don’t have a levelled horizon or unintentionally incorrectly framed the subject as intended. By shooting in burst mode, you give yourself more options to shoot from sp cropping and levelling the horizon minimally affects image resolution. Additionally, to help you negate unwanted movement, it’s vital to also make sure you have enabled image stabilisation on both the lens and the camera body if available.

All these photographs were taken within milliseconds of each other. Due to the movement of the zodiac I was on, it was extremely difficult to keep the fur seal framed in the right way when using my telephoto lens. By shooting in burst mode, you give yourself many options to choose from afterwards.

3. Photograph The Same Composition Multiple Times

Because everything is happening and changing fast, it’s still wise to capture different versions of the same composition – even when using burst mode. As the boat is moving, your composition will be changing. It’s almost as if you are on a theme park ride, with little to no control over how your perspective will change. The best approach while being on a boat is therefore to shoot a lot & considerably more than you normally would. That way you create slight variations allowing you to carefully select which final version you enjoy best.

These two photographs were captured a few seconds apart. As we sailed past this small iceberg in the foreground, I photographed the same composition but photographed it multiple times so I would have variety in where the iceberg was located in relation to the background.

4. Reduce Vibrations & Take Off The Lens Hood

Another way to negate unintentional movement is by taking off the lens hood. Especially on telephoto lenses, lens hoods can be very large, which can be very problematic in windy places such as out on the ocean. Telephoto lens hoods are generally so large that they easily catch a lot of wind. This can cause a lot of unintentional vibrations and movements. The same problem applies to other items that may be attached to your camera and could possibly act as a windscreen, such as camera straps.

However, treat this with a grain of salt. If you photograph at sufficiently high shutter speeds, or it’s not that windy, this still shouldn’t be a problem at all.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Using a lens hood may protect your lens from spray, snow, indirect sunlight and many other things but if it’s windy, it could cause real issues.

5. Try To Anticipate What Will Move Into The Frame

Within any form of nature photography, observation is a vital part of getting the best results. This is especially true when you’re on a moving boat. By observing how your perspective will change while the boat is moving, you can try to anticipate compelling compositions. This could be a combination of an interesting foreground element that could add an extra touch to a stunning landscape. It could also be how a foreground element changes location relative to the background. It’s therefore important to observe what possible elements are in front of the ship and how they will move into your possible composition. Because it’s difficult to explain this with words alone, I want to share a few examples.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

By being on the front of the ship, it was easy to observe what may be entering the frame. I noticed this long ribbon of ice shards in the water, which eventually entered my composition, leading up to the mountains in the background.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

I held my wide-angle lens overboard, anticipating that one of the cracks in the thin sheet of ice would form a leading line towards the background.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Again, by being in the front of the ship, I could see and anticipate the smaller icebergs which could add something to my composition.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

This is the same iceberg as in the previous photo. By observing how the shape of it changed as we circled around it, I could anticipate a new and better angle.

6. Think About Where You Are On The Boat Or Ship

On larger boats or expedition ships, it’s important to consider where you are shooting from in terms of height. While this doesn’t matter much for very distant subjects, it does matter if your subject is much closer. This is especially important when photographing wildlife such as whales.

There are a few things to be aware of when being higher on the vessel. It will, for example, become more challenging to add in a lot of sky and/or background into your composition. Secondly, you will create more space between different elements if they are closer to the vessel, which means you also create more space for water to fill the frame. This may or may not be desirable. Additionally, you essentially flatten the composition and remove depth from the image. Finally, being too high on the vessel could also create issues if you want something close to the water line to stand out, such as the fluke of a whale.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Sometimes it can be beneficial to get a higher vantage point. In the case of these penguins, which I photographed in Antarctica, the fact I had the higher view actually contributed to this shot. It allowed me to see the reflections and remove the distraction of a possible sky or background.

7. Taking Wide-Angle Photographs From A Boat

The tips above may seem largely focused on the use of a telephoto lens on a boat but they also apply to other lenses. While it highly depends on the size of the boat you are on (the smaller the better), and whether there is something of interest in the foreground, you can also use a wide-angle and even an ultra-wide-angle lens. You could hang over the side of the boat and tilt your lens downwards to enhance the foreground elements, which will be right next to the boat. In such cases, you should always do this towards the front of the boat to avoid the waves & ripples of the boat causing distracting distortions on the water surface.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Using a wide-angle lens on a boat isn’t always a good option, but if you hang overboard with your lens, you can really accentuate subjects and do something special.

Getting The Best Results When Photographing From A Boat Or Ship

Because I wasn’t in the front of the boat, and used my wide-angle lens, I captured the wake of the boat in the frame.

Join A Photo Workshop!

Join me and embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey by signing up to a photo workshop in Iceland, Greenland, or another exciting destination. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of these stunning destinations while honing your photography skills. Capture the awe-inspiring beauty of glaciers, volcanoes, waterfalls, and more, under the guidance of experienced photographers.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, these workshops offer a unique opportunity to learn and practice various techniques, including drone photography. Don’t miss out on this incredible adventure that combines exploration, education, and the art of photography.

Previous Participants Shared This About Their Experience…

Somehow five stars doesn’t seem sufficient! What an amazing week with Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove and Mads Peter Iversen in one of the most photogenic locations I have ever visited. Nothing challenges an organiser’s ability like a cancelled flight, but even though we were delayed by a day in Reykjavik, Jeroen managed to pack in all the planned activities in to the remaining 5 days, starting with a six hour sunset boat trip through the magnificent bergs of the ice fjord. And that was just the start, every day there were new adventures and new locations. With so much to photograph, we all called on the expert guidance by Jeroen and Mads - from finding pleasing compositions in the chaos of the ice or life in the tiny settlements, to aerial HDR panoramas with the drones - the boys were always on hand to offer advice and suggestions (and to rescue my drone as I tried to land it where our boat had been 20 minutes earlier)!

Adrian V.West Greenland Photo Workshop (September 2024)

I am delighted to recommend Jeroen for his exceptional leadership and expertise in conducting photography workshops.
I recently had the privilege of participating in a photo workshop in Greenland lead by Jeroen, and I can say without reservations that he has a rare blend of photographic talent and organizational prowess. Jeroen is a master photographer, and generously shares this knowledge with workshop participants. Whether it's mastering the technical aspects of photography or exploring creative compositions, Jeroen provides invaluable insights that elevate the skills of all the participants. His meticulous planning and organizational skills are unmatched; the workshop was flawlessly executed, with every detail thoughtfully considered. He fostered a collaborative environment where participants felt free to ask questions, experiment, and learn from one another; always providing positive feedback and encouragement. I wholeheartedly recommend Jeroen for any photography workshop or related endeavor. His passion for photography, attention to detail, and outgoing personality, make him an outstanding leader.

Tomas A.West Greenland Photo Workshop (September 2024)

Jeroen’s and Mads’ West Greenland Workshop was simply the best photo workshop I’ve ever attended. The days were full from dawn to dusk and even later for nioghtime photography. Jeroen and Mads made themselves available during any free time for coaching, editing and general questions. They focused on hands on coaching for each of us in the field. Workshop logistics were seamless, transport via coaches and boats were in good condition with competent crews and were ready when scheduled, accommodations were very good. I look forward to joining Jeroen and Mads again in the future.

Kelly E.West Greenland Photo Workshop (September 2024)

I had the pleasure of being part of a Highlands workshop in August with Jeroen and Mads Peter Iversen as photo guides and professionals. I had already met them both on a workshop in Antarctica. The small group was perfect for guidance and attention. It is now sinking in how much I learned on this trip and how breathtaking Iceland is. We encountered some strong winds, rain and fog. Nevertheless, Jeroen found alternatives and safety was always paramount. He’s a conscientious guy and can be seriously funny too. Not only did our group gain knowledge, we had a lot of fun. Thanks for a memorable week to everyone on this workshop. I’d recommend Jeroen without hesitation.

Cindy B.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

I was recently on an Iceland Highlands photo tour, my first trip with Jeroen. It will not be my last! It exceeded my expectations to the point that I've now booked a trip next year with Jeroen. My priority was to learn how to fly my new drone (Mavic 3 Classic) for quality stills photography. I started the trip with 'drone anxiety' and ended with confidence and a new set of skills in aerial photography. Jeroen's drone flying skills are impressive. But, importantly, he puts his clients first. He gives full support, both in terms of the essential skills needed to fly a drone safely, and also the skills needed to produce quality images. Jeroen's knowledge of Iceland and its hidden beauties, his organisational skills and photography expertise is second to none. I'm certainly looking forward to travelling with him again.

Milt I.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

... Jeroen really really knows his stuff, not only about Iceland in general and the specific photo locations but he is also an absolute master with a drone. We were a pretty unexperienced group, regarding drone flying and drone photography and Jeroen helped and pushed us a lot, to really get the best out of our skills, equipment and the locations. I damaged my drone propellers on the third day, forgot the spare and there was no way to organize a replacement. I was really worried i was now missing out, but Jeroens expertise and support gave me confidence to use my drone during the rest of the workshop and there were no issues at all. Additionally his personality and his humor really made this trip and the group special. I highly recommend this workshop!

NicoHighlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

I highly recommend taking one of Jeroen's workshops. You can just tell that he has a great passion for leading them. He lives in Iceland and brought a wealth of knowledge and useful facts about the area, and had an answer for just about everything we asked him. He also has a great sense of humor so he made it entertaining as well. Thank you, Jeroen, for a great experience in the Highlands.

Chris G.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

Really great trip - I learned a lot and we certainly got to photograph many places that would otherwise be very difficult for me to access. Jeroen and Mads always had answers/suggestions for my questions, and both were instrumental in forming compositions. Many times when we stopped I could not see the principal subject, but a drone would be launched and after watching one of their screens, something amazing would appear. I had never flown a drone before the trip, but Jeroen got me up and running in minutes; he made it very easy and relaxed. Also, my drone had a strange issue on one flight (it would not descend) but Jeroen got it back - flying it for over 2 minutes on no battery. He got it down just before all power was lost. It was wobbly on the way down, but it came down safely. Highly recommend these guys and their trips.

Paul K.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

Going to the Icelandic Highlands means you have to know what you’re doing, and you have to be flexible with the ever changing weather. I was so fortunate to attend a workshop with Jeroen, as his expertise and knowledge of the numerous highland locations was critical to knowing where we could go based on the weather, road conditions, and time it would take to get everywhere. Our trip was filled with incredible locations I’ve only dreamed of going to, and many others that I had no idea existed. I’d highly recommend going on a workshop or even a private tour with Jeroen!

Mark S.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (August 2024)

The trip I took with Jeroen to the Icelandic Highlands is the most memorable trip I’ve taken since I became serious about photography. It was incredible! Jeroen took us to the places I only dreamed about and never expected to see with my own eyes. Everything was well planned and executed – all we needed to do was concentrating on our photography. Thank you, Jeroen, for such a treat and good luck on all your endeavors!

Svetlana G.Highlands of Iceland Photo Workshop (July 2024)

I had a wonderful time at the workshop with Jeroen. Jeroen is a wonderful, very inspiring photographer, an excellent teacher, very sensitive to the beauty of Nature and empathetic, with a refined sense of humor. I felt very taken care of during the workshops and I will definitely come back next year

Doris M.Puffins in the Midnight Sun Photo Workshop (June 2024)

I took a 3 day photography workshop with Jeroen to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and had a wonderful experience. Jeroen has an infectious enthusiasm for photography and it really shows in his love of these Icelandic locations and the way he provides instruction on the best perspectives and techniques to get the shots. I appreciate that Jeroen is fully licensed to guide these workshop. This gives me peace of mind knowing that he’s prepared to handle most scenarios that may occur out in the field. Time to save up for my next workshop with Jeroen! Thanks so much, Jeroen!

Jarrick L.Private Workshop in October 2023

Well organised workshop with multiple stunning locations providing plenty of opportunities to capture great photos. When the opportunity arose to capture the Northern Lights, Jeroen’s knowledge made sure we were in the right locations to capture the lights at their best. Jeroen was always willing to help and pass on his knowledge to be able to have the best possible composition to capture stunning photos. I can’t thank Jeroen and Mads enough for a great workshop and creating memories that will last a lifetime. I look forward to doing more workshops in the future with Jeroen and highly recommended anyone interested in a photography workshop to do it and learn from the best.

Jordan G.Iceland in Winter Workshop in November 2023

I had the privilege of going on the Puffins in the midnight sun workshop which was an amazing experience. Anja and Jeroen were both absolutely amazing hosts and the workshop exceeded my expectations. Both were very approachable with any questions and provided the appropriate level of advice, allowing me to improve my photography.

Jeff M.Puffins in the Midnight Sun Workshop in June 2023

In July 2023 I decided to book a 5 days private tour with Jeroen to the highlands. This was a complete different experience. We visited remote and amazing locations, I could not find this locations without Jeroens guidance. Jeroen has a incredible local knowledge, a great enthusiasm, a perfect planning and also very important, a lot of patience. I enjoyed the 5 days with Jeroen very much, he is a very accommodating person with agreat sense of humor. During our tour we had a lot of fun and with his assistance I made my best Iceland shots ever, most of them with my Mavic 3 Pro drone. Thank you very much Jeroen for this unique experience, I hope we will plan the next tour in 2024 together.

Wolfgang S.Private Highlands Workshop in July 2023

I really enjoyed guided hike with Jeroen. He knows a lot about the volcanos so you won't have only amazing experience but you can also learn a lot from him. Perfect and easy communication. Thank you again for this "stillcantbelievethatitwasreal" experience!

Veronika S.Private Eruption Hike in August 2023

… The itinerary was well thought out, but allowed for flexibility of weather conditions and the eruption of Meradalir! Jeroen is knowledgeable, helpful, thoughtful & has a great sense of humour. He regularly checked-in with us to all make sure we were happy and offered assistance in our photography, especially for drones. I felt safe, entertained & learned so much during the workshop. The accommodation & food during the trip were also amazing. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend or attend another workshop.

Rhiannon L.Highlands Photo Workshop in August 2022

Greenland 2023 was an incredible experience, in a truly epic location with an amazing group of people. Andy and Jeroen are true professionals in every sense, with a passion for photography that is infectious to the group. I felt challenged to explore styles of photography that pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone, and having their guidance as well as the group to share ideas with helped me grow as a photographer. Andy seems to have a knack for creating an inclusive environment around him that brings the group together, inspires, builds friendships, and elevates the experience to an enjoyable and unforgettable one. Jeroen is very knowledgeable, easy going, and talented photographer and it was a pleasure spending the week with him. I truly cannot recommend highly enough.

Chris D.Greenland Photo Workshop in March 2023

… It was one of the most wonderful trips of adventure, exhilaration mixed with wonder and awe of the surrounding beauty. None of that would have been possible without the expert guidance, local knowledge, sense of enthusiasm and detailed planning by Jeroen. We were lucky to him as an expert driver while we wondered over terrain that is unfamiliar to most people, but Jeroen made us feel confidant that we were in safe hands. Moreover his love for photography, landscape and culture of Iceland is contagious and made the trip all the more special. Whether you call him the “Volcano man” or the “drone man” his photography is extraordinary. I would go back in a heartbeat to spend time exploring more of Iceland with him.

Sarfraz D.Highlands Photo Workshop in August 2022

… Everything about it was excellent – it is clear that Jeroen puts huge effort into ensuring he provides a first class experience for his participants – the itinerary was thorough, but flexible to get the best out of the weather and volcanic eruption conditions. Jeroen ensures that everybody is safe (important in such an environment) as well as maintaining a pace that works for all. On top of this, his knowledge about Iceland is broad and deep making him an excellent tour guide as well as an accomplished photographer. I can highly recommend a workshop or tour with Jeroen and I do hope that I get to enjoy another workshop with him in the future.

Jon A.Highlands Photo Workshop in August 2022

I was fortunate to accompany both Andy Mumford and Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove to Ilulissat, Greenland. I've done guided photography tours before, but this was without a doubt the most enjoyable experience. The comradery of the group combined with the positive attitude and humor of both Andy and Jeroen was fabulous. Lodging + food were a step above what I was expecting and were memorable experiences in and of themselves. Zero regrets and while in Greenland, I discussed what other tours I could add my name onto the waitlist for. Recommended without hesitation.

Michael M.Greenland Photo Workshop in March 2023

It became clear that Jeroen is very familiar with the beauty of Iceland, but also with the possible dangers of its natural elements. He took us to the highlights, but also guided us to a number of hidden marvels. And always he knew something interesting to tell about the location. On the creativity side, Jeroen did not intervene at all on location – unless requested for. So we all could explore our own creativity. This definitely tastes for more. And I will definitely call Jeroen again.

Koen D.Private Photography Tour in March 2016

It was a pleasure to have a look behind the scences on how Jeroen works. His photos look so natural as he knows where to be in the right place at the right time. I’ve received a lot of professional advice and feedback on how to create stunning landscape images. You did an amazing job and I can’t thank you enough!

Adında M.Private Photography Tour in November 2017

... Jeroen has great ability as a teacher as well as a photographer. His priority is the participant, not taking his own pictures. Jeroen is good at checking in with the introvert photographer to make sure they are getting the most from the scene, but without looking over your shoulder. Knowing that group dynamics impacts everyone’s experience, he also builds a camaraderie with his humour and manner.

Stewart L.Iceland in Winter Photo Workshop (March 2024)

… Imagine being taken to locations so amazing that the erupting volcano wasn’t even one of the top 5. This was an EPIC adventure through a place traversed by few people. We had the guidance and support needed to capture amazing photos and learn to use our drones effectively, incredible food and accommodations, and access to Jeroen’s incredible wealth of knowledge to keep us safe in face of unstable cliffs, weird weather, and other craziness. I can’t wait to join another tour with Jeroen.

Richard S.Highlands Photo Workshop in August 2022

If you want to explore Iceland with your camera you’re blessed with a guide like Jeroen. He knows and understands the country so well. He really makes an effort to visit every location at the best possible moment of the day. He knows so many beautiful locations so that he’s also able to improvise when the weather conditions are not that great. He will bring you to lots of beautiful places that are less touristic and where you can take the time to fully explore your camera trying to capture this unique landscape.

Stefaan M.Private Photography Tour in March 2016

… And my expectations of his guided tour were indeed the highlight of my short vacation. Not only the sights where breathtaking but also Jeroen’s personal anecdotes and explanation in an easy way over this ever changing landscape building itself was a great surplus to my hiking experience. He is not only passionate about telling you the story behind the views that unfolds before your eyes during the hike, but he lets you also walk at your own pace without looking to his watch as on many other organised larger tours. So folks if you look for an unique guided personal tour, I would really recommend this great guide. From me personally he earns withouth doubt 5* !

John V.Private Guided Eruption Hike in October 2021

Support Jeroen’s Work

As an independent photographer, Jeroen partially relies on your support to keep producing worthwhile content such as blogs, photographs, books and much more. If you want to support his work, it is possible to do so by buying his e-books & books, prints or calendars.

You can also sign up to the newsletter to stay up to date on new blog posts, projects, workshops and other interesting information.

Thank you for considering!

Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove

Jeroen is an award-winning Belgian photographer based in Iceland. The past years, he dedicated his photography to the Central Highlands & volcanic eruptions. Most recently, he received international attention for his work at the Fagradalsfjall volcano.

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