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Last Saturday I attended the 2024 Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) Awards in Ålesund, Norway. I am proud to announce that I had the pleasure to rank sixth in the Nature category with three photographs taken during the various eruptions last year. The photographs involved are Yggdrasill, Elddreki and Eldormur. While I didn’t grab a top 3 position this time around, it’s a great honour to be recognised on a European level for my photography in this way.

In addition I some of my other work also received Merit & Distinction awards for individual images.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in the last years, whether it has been by simply following my work, sending me encouraging messages, buying a book or a print, … Every little bit of encouragement helped me get to where I am at today.

I would also like to use this opportunity to congratulate all the other finalists and winners in each category. It has been an incredible pleasure to be in the company of so many great photographers.

For those who are interested, it’s possible to see all the competition results on the FEP website.

FEP Awards 2024 - Sixth Place in 'Nature'!

The ‘Sixth Place’ Images

These were my three highest scoring images that allowed me to place sixth in the ‘Nature’ category.

About My Photography at Volcanic Eruptions

When the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland began erupting in early 2021 after a 7000 year slumber, I decided to hike out there on the very first day. I could not have imagined it was the beginning of a massive photographic undertaking which, among other things, resulted in the self-publication of my first book called ‘New Earth’. In total I hiked 52 times to both eruptions to capture all perspectives of this incredible, life-changing natural phenomenon. It has been an incredible source of inspiration and motivation.

Since then, I have documented 7 eruptions of which I have an extensive gallery, as well as several blogs.

What Is the FEP?

The FEP, Federation of European Professional Photographers, is an internationally respected, not for profit qualifying organisation for photographers since 1999, supporting and networking with photographers and governments worldwide. FEP represents over 50.000 professional image-makers in Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and the United Kingdom through their national associations. They also have some individual members in Estonia, Greece, Poland, Republic of Moldova and Switzerland, that are countries not represented by national associations.

Support Jeroen’s Work

As an independent photographer, Jeroen partially relies on your support to keep producing worthwhile content such as blogs, photographs, books and much more. If you want to support his work, it is possible to do so by buying his e-books & books, prints or calendars.

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Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove

Jeroen is an award-winning Belgian photographer based in Iceland. The past years, he dedicated his photography to the Central Highlands & volcanic eruptions. Most recently, he received international attention for his work at the Fagradalsfjall volcano.

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