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After my first year-in-review blog about my favourite 5 camera photographs of 2024, it is time for that other “camera” I use: my drone. In this blog, I go over my favourite drone shots of this year.


It’s that time of year again! Another year has passed and that means it’s time for my yearly overviews. It is safe to say that 2024 has again been an amazing year for my photography. I started out the year wondering how it could possibly become more exciting than the year before and somehow it did. Thinking back to this year, it feels fulfilling and fills me with gratitude.

This year has been the busiest in my photography career, possibly even in my entire life. I visited two new continents where I explored Patagonia & Antarctica, two of my bucket lists locations. I have also never guided as many photo workshops as I did this year & got to meet incredible people along the way. My work at the series of eruptions at Sundhnúksgígar in Iceland was published multiple times in international media, I helped produce a documentary, my photography received international recognition, and I developed a 12+ hour video course with a good friend. It feels like I have been going non-stop until this well-needed Christmas break.

Just like last year, I am publishing 3 different blogs: one about my favourite camera shots of the year, this one about my favourite drone shots of the year and, finally, my classic ‘Year in Review’ blog.

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My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

I spent a lot of time in the Icelandic Highlands this summer and got some incredible conditions at night.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

Inspired by a photo I saw in the same shortlist I was on for the Siena Drone Awards, I visited this spot multiple times this year to get my own unique version of this abstract.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

In the early summer, I ventured with one of my photo workshops into an intense sandstorm. I put up my drone and got an incredible shot despite the harsh conditions. Thanks for the image, Xabier!

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

This year, I guided no less than 13 photo workshops where I taught people my approach to drone photography, which I also share in the Drone Photography Masterclass.

My Five Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

Let’s continue my yearly overview with my 5 favourite drone shots! In 2024, I continued using my DJI Mavic 3 Pro with pleasure and it will probably remain to be my trusty weapon-of-choice until a significantly better drone comes along.

This year, I have used my drone much more than I have ever done in the past. One of the reasons for that, is the Drone Photography Masterclass I have been working on. It made it even harder this time to stick to a top 5 list. And as you will be able to tell, I may or may not have included many more images than five… I have been really happy with what I managed to capture with my drone this year and, to me, many photographs stood out.

1. The Moody Icelandic Highlands

The weather conditions this year have been incredibly challenging for photography. During the summer, we had quite rough weather with often poor visibility. This required me to often adjust the photo workshops I guided to fit the conditions. Sometimes, against what you’d normally expect, such weather can also be very interesting in the right locations. These two images were captured on such a day, when rain and low clouds came and went every 5 minutes. On this day, I flew in rainstorms and dense fog, looking for interesting compositions.

This image also got rewarded in the Belgian Photo Awards as well as selected for the World Photographic Cup.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024
My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

Both images are 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama – taken using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

2. A Galaxy of Ice

During the most incredible adventure in East Greenland, I didn’t just use my camera but also often used my drone. On one morning, we were flying around our sailboat with our drones. After getting a few shots of the sailboat moving through ice, I decided to fly back to a previous location. To my amazement, I found this incredible spiral of slush ice. It was only there very briefly before completely vanishing again.

The first image was awarded the Snow & Ice award in the International Landscape Photographer Of The Year 2024 awards.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024
My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

Both images are 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama – taken using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

3. Revisiting A Shot From Winter

This photograph is one I have been thinking about for a long time. I first visited this location with a drone during winter, where my goal was to capture the same composition with the setting sun in the distance. However, I didn’t really feel like it fitted the mood of the scenery. By accident, because of changed plans during a Highlands workshop, I ended up in this location with much moodier weather. On my final flight, I noticed a cloud rolling down the glacier so I flew back, began scaling the glacier and as I found the ideal position, the cloud moved into the perfect position for my composition.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

A 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

4. A Challenging Sandstorm

On my first photo workshop in the Highlands this year, we encountered a massive sandstorm near Mælifell, a green cone-shaped mountain. The conditions were incredibly challenging, with a wall of sand blocking our path to progress further. I decided to try and fly my drone, which somewhat succeeded. I managed to fly high enough, against the strong winds, over a dune so I could get a good view of what was unfolding in the rest of the desert.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

A 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

5. An Overturning Lava Lake

This year I spent a lot of my time documenting the eruptions taking place at Sundhnúkagígar near Grindavík. On one occasion, I was there for a whole day recording footage for a news broadcast. As I flew out to the erupting crater, suddenly the lava lake south of the crater began overturning. The solidified top layer began flipping over as I managed to capture this frame. It was a tricky shot to get due to the movement of the lava but by carefully picking how I organised my vertical panorama, it all worked out well.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

A 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

6. Visiting The United Kingdom

Finally, I couldn’t not mention my first proper visit to the UK where I recorded a large portion of the Drone Photography Masterclass together with my friend Nigel Danson. Because I was there with the main goal of making drone photographs, it was interesting for me to see what I could come up with in an unfamiliar setting. The environments to photograph there are very different from what I am used to as I usually avoid human structures in my images. I ended up being very happy with these two shots.

My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024
My 5 Favourite Drone Photographs Of 2024

Both images are 3-shot bracketed vertical panorama – taken using the DJI Mavic 3 Pro.

What’s Next?

After my favourite drone shots of 2024, it’s soon time for the final blog: my ‘normal’ Year in Review. Stay tuned!


The Drone Photography Masterclass

Nigel Danson & Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove‘s complete drone masterclass will explore everything you need to know to start creating the best aerial photographs using any type of drone in 50+ detailed videos. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced drone pilot, this video course contains a vast amount of information to level up your drone photography skills.

Learn Drone Photography With My E-Book

Want to learn how to get the best results with your newly purchased drone? I wrote the most comprehensive guide available on drone photography which teaches you a technique to get the DSLR-like results out of even the cheapest drones.

In 125 detailed pages I explore everything you need to know to start creating the best photographs using any type of drone. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced drone pilot, this e-book contains a vast amount of information to level up your drone photography skills.

What to Expect?

  • A 125-page educational PDF about nature drone photography with very detailed explanations
  • Which drone to get for photography and why
  • Important settings and configuration options 
  • A list of useful skills & tips
  • A list of useful accessories and what not to buy at all
  • How to research locations for drone photography
  • How to compose with a drone and insight into Jeroen’s thought process with plenty of examples
  • Thoughtfully planning ahead for your drone shoot
  • The how and why of creating bracketed images
  • The how and why of shooting HDR panoramas
  • What challenges you might face and how to deal with them
  • Common mistakes & how to deal with them
  • How to stitch your panoramas together


Use EBOOK20 to get 20% off your Nature Drone Photography (E-Book) purchase!

Support Jeroen’s Work

As an independent photographer, Jeroen partially relies on your support to keep producing worthwhile content such as blogs, photographs, books and much more. If you want to support his work, it is possible to do so by buying his e-books & books, prints or calendars.

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Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove

Jeroen is an award-winning Belgian photographer based in Iceland. The past years, he dedicated his photography to the Central Highlands & volcanic eruptions. Most recently, he received international attention for his work at the Fagradalsfjall volcano.


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